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arugula in england is called rocket. that is not even a food. that is a spacecraft.


so how do you include banana in a smoothie and not have it taste only like banana? everytime i put a banana in a smoothie it overpowers the taste of everything else.

pnuts mama

i didn't know you were writing here again!

i am going to messenger over to you a ton of the fresh veggies that are exploding out of our kitchen from the garden out back and our csa. i too am eating so much veg it's crazy, but not cause i'm choosing to. well, i guess i am.

do you read the cleanerplateclub? ali has great whole food recipes and a refreshing way of looking at life from that perspective. also i rec the book 'simply in season' for when you're allowed to use other ingredients with your veggie fare.

i agree w/ laura re: the banana. i can't have them in my smoothies for the same reason. i like them separate, though...


I imagine the banana covers up the arugula nicely (which I love in a salad but can't imagine in a smoothie)

MBT Shoes

It's so nice to have you do all of the research for us. It makes our decision making so much easier!! Thanks.


I'm like you I'm usually wniryrog about extra sugar and calorie on smoothie because I eat meals regularly and if I would drink smoothie, it would be an extra. But you really tempted me to try this smoothie. I have every ingredients with me so why not! I'm sort of excited all I need was some delicious picture of smoothies! Thanks for sharing!

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