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Good luck Moxie. I hope you got some more of that sweet sweet sleep.


Fingers crossed! We had one waking last night, so I'm practically floating today!


Omg, LOL on El C's question. He'll get it...eventually. It doesn't help that sunrise is about that time now (5:50something), so you can understand the dilemma.

Funny, my prenatal yoga class wasn't at all yogi--I mean, there was "namaste" at the end of the session, but I'd say most of the people there were not transfers from the regular yoga classes. And now my mom and stepdad (59 and 69, respectively) are getting very into their yoga class, and I *cannot* imagine they would have any patience for talk about chi and all that. Of course, it's hard for me to imagine them doing yoga, period, so you never know, I guess.

Linda B

:( Sorry about the jinx.
At three months, my daughter slept 8-10 hours for 1 straight week. I was excited and was telling my coworkers about it. Then after that week, she never did that again until she was 7,8 months old. So I've learned my lesson - to never share good sleep news. with anyone. Because once you do, it's all over. It's a baby conspiracy is what it is!

I hope one day soon both you and El P get some sleep. Oh, and El Chico is so cute with his new clock.


My son is only 2, so we didn't think a clock would actually work, until we came up with the idea of setting the alarm (music) to come on at a time we deemed reasonable for wake up. Now the rule is "stay in bed until the music comes on" and, well, you know, it works maybe 30% of the time.


Sorry about the rough night. but hopefully El P will repeat his one night waking again soon. He just wants to keep you on your toes.

As for El C -- hilarious. but that's only because I don't live with him, I guess.

Lisa V

No, no, no take it from an experienced mom. Start by feeding them both Bendaryl for dinner, followed by a nyquil chaser.

Apple once woke up no less than 5 times a night for 27 days straight. We took turns sleeping at the neighbor's, I'm not kidding. She wasn't ill, she wasn't teething. She was 10 months old and just got her self in a bad groove. Now she is 14 and it takes an air horn from a big rig to wake her up. And even then, she only scowls and rolls over and goes back to sleep.

I am so sorry for the suckage. Lack of sleep is awful, for all of you.


Totally been tere on the jinx thing. A couple weeks ago my husband bragged to everyone at a party about our 6 month old sleeping through the night. It hasn't happened since.


I just so totally stole "probing the limits of wrong" for a conversation with my husband detailing my own attempts to get my girl to nap. We're dealing with the whole "dig-me-I-can walk-now-never-leave-my-sight" thing coupled with the inexorable decline of the morning nap. So sorry about the lack of sleep and wishing for a good solid twelve hours for you all really soon.


Wait. You mean your son is not in your bed from 2am on? My 3 year old is still learning dry nights and is in our bed when she is up at night (even with dry sheets).
When she was younger we use to try "the sun is not up yet". That did not work once spring came and the sun was up.
Back to the drawing board.


Wait. You mean your son is not in your bed from 2am on? My 3 year old is still learning dry nights and is in our bed when she is up at night (even with dry sheets).
When she was younger we use to try "the sun is not up yet". That did not work once spring came and the sun was up.
Back to the drawing board.


I'm reading the sleep issues at your house closely, hoping something will work for a 7-7 night. Then I can steal the ideas.

I thought about the digital clock thing. I thought about the music alarm thing. But I think our nightwakings has become a habit for him, and nightfeedings a habit for her...

Anxiously waiting for both of our families to get some uninterrupted sleep soon.


About the fish/mercury thing, you may want to try mail-order from Great tasting wild Alaskan salmon without the mercury contamination. Kind of expensive though.


Hey Deanna, the show looks awesome! I know weird mode of inuqiry, but I was wondering if you or Ed had anything showcasing in Paris right now? Thanks,Ross

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Of course, I also thought how quickly the 'charm' part of it soon evaporated on the first night in my tent when I was caught up in the rainstorm for a few days
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