(Sorry. I just couldn't resist the pun.)
Everyone's going to need a way to carry their kid on their body, unless they're adopting a kid over the age of 3. It's my opinion that you really need two carriers--one ring sling and another carrier. Let's discuss the ring sling first.
Ring Slings
A ring sling (I'm also including pouch slings in this category) is a simple design that has a bunch of advantages as a carrier (and a bunch of flaws, but that's why you'll want another carrier, too). It's relatively simple to use, you can use it to carry your baby in several different positions, it's not bulky so you can shove it under the stroller or in your bag, you can use it as an emergency diaper pad or pillow, in some positions you can nurse in it, and (most importantly if you have a toddler) it's super-easy to get the baby in and out of it (and in and out and in and out...).
Some people like a lightly padded sling, but I think an unpadded sling is more comfortable. Padding is supposed to make it more comfortable on your shoulder, but the padding IME makes it bunch so the weight doesn't really distribute itself evenly. Lack of padding also makes it cooler in the summer, and far easier to adjust when it's on.
When I had El Chico, the only unpadded ring sling out there was the Maya Wrap. (Now there are a million people selling unpadded ring slings.I haven't tried any of them, but they're ring slings--you can't go wrong.) I live in New York CIty, yo, so I couldn't walk around with stripey granola fabric, so I was temporarily stymied until I found the awesome and oh-so-simple-in-both-design-and-execution pattern to sew my own sling *. I far prefer the shoulder design of this sling to any of the ones my friends paid money for. And it takes literally one hour (including pinning) to make it. Order the rings from slingrings.com (craft rings from a craft store are not strong enough and your baby could get seriously hurt in a sling made with craft rings). I recommend nylon, because metal are heavy, can bang you in the jawbone or your baby in the sweet little soft head, and make a nasty noise in the dryer.
A sling ring will run you anywhere from about $10 (if you sew your own) to $120 (for a silk one). Most are in the $25-40 range.
Do not under any circumstances be fooled into buying the NoJo sling that they sell on Amazon.com. It is beyond dreadful.
The Other Two Carriers
The real problem with a ring sling is that it's not going to be comfortable for long walks. For around the house or quick walks it's wonderful, but if you regularly carry your baby (or toddler) around on your body, you'll need something that distributes the weight better onto your hips and back and off your shoulders. There are two carriers I've never heard a bad word about: the Ellaroo wrap and the Ergo carrier.
The Ellaroo is the one that I own (in black, of course). It's a long piece of woven fabric that you tie in a bunch of different carries, so it works for a newborn up to a 3-year-old (on your back). It was so perfect and secure when El P was a newborn (and I could walk around and nurse him and no one had any idea). Now he hangs in it like he would in a Björn (facing out or in depending on mood), except it's actually comfortable on my shoulders and back. When he's older I'll carry him on my hip or back in it. The woven fabric gives it more strength than a stretchy wrap like MobyWrap, Hug-a-Bub, or Ultimate Baby Carrier, so you can use it up to a higher weight and older child. It's cool in the summer (even the black one), and a bargain at $70. If you buy your from a local distributor instead of off the web, she'll show you how to tie it and put your baby in it for no extra cost. The disadvantage of the Ellaroo is the learning curve when you learn a new way to tie it.
I have some friends who love love the Ergo Baby Carrier. It puts the baby's weight right on your baby's hips, so no more aching shoulders. You can use it to carry the baby on your front, hip, or back, and it's easy to put on and put the baby in. This is a great choice for people who like the feel of a backpack carrier, but don't want the extra weight or metal frame of an actual backpack, and for people who are hesitant about tying a wrap. It's a bargain at $92, and you can buy it on the web or at a store near you. The disadvantage of the Ergo is that it's pretty bulky and weighs more than an Ellaroo, and isn't as easy to nurse discreetly in.
Carriers I Don't Know Much About
The MeiTai is a Chinese-style baby carrier made by Ellaroo, Colibri, or a bunch of other companies or WAHMs (search The Babywearer and/or Ebay to look for different models). The MeiTai puts the weight of the baby across your chest (if you're wearing the baby on your back) or on your back (if you're wearing the baby on your chest). I've heard some people say they loved theirs, but don't know much about the features.
The Sutemi looks a lot like the Ergo to me. I ran into a mom at the airport a few weeks ago who loved hers, but, again, I don't know the specifics, except that you can't use it before 4 months, but they say you can use it up to 5 years(!).
Carriers I Don't Recommend
The Björn. $120 for something that you can only use for one carry style, can't nurse in, and that will cut off the circulation to your arms once your baby is 18 pounds? Next. (They make an awesome potty, though.)
The NoJo Ring Sling. It stinks like fabric dye, and is impossible to adjust while the baby's in it. Too much padding, and hardly any room for the baby. Resale value on Ebay = $0, so that ought to tell you something.
The P-Sling. $550 for a "hand-crumpled" linen sling? Wait until the first time your baby spits up on it. Although maybe the children of people who can afford $550 for a sling don't ever spit up.
The Hip Hammock. Absolutely kills your neck, and it doesn't do anything you can't do better with a ring sling.
For more than you'd ever need to know about slings, register at The Baby Wearer and check out their bazillion reviews. Have fun wearing your baby.
*Can you believe people are taking Jan's pattern and sewing slings from it for sale? It's called intellectual property and common decency, people.
Thanks for the recommendations! I actually love my bjorn at the moment, though the kid's only 14 pounds.
Posted by: Cat, Galloping | January 10, 2006 at 07:49 AM
I have a Hotsling, and it worked great when she was smaller and it was warm, so I wasn't wearing a milion layers (I also dig the cool fabrics--I cannnot get into the crunchhy granola slings at all). I second your dislike of the NoJo. We have friends that actually like theirs, so I used it and it killed my neck and back after about an hour's use. I am having less luck with the Hotsling now that she's bigger and we're both needing to bundle op for walks, though.
Posted by: AmyinMotown | January 10, 2006 at 10:45 AM
I love my sutemi, but alas, it does not work in the back carry for me. But, I have back issues, and the front and hip carry work wonderfully. I haven't used my ring sling in ages (taylormade), but loved it when he was smaller.
If I have another, I'm getting an ellaroo.
Posted by: Ally | January 10, 2006 at 12:15 PM
What do you think is the best carrier for the plus-sized woman? Baby Becoming (a site for plus sized pregnant women) sells this sling ( http://www.babybecoming.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=1&Category_Code=Baby)
but it looks like the padded kind.
I want to use a sling (you know, if this kid gets born) but ideally one that could be transfered between my full-figured body and my hubbie's and best friend's scrawny bodies (what, you think I won't make them carry the baby? Think again).
Thanks. I've been meaning to ask you about this anyway!
Posted by: Cecily | January 10, 2006 at 04:36 PM
Cec, I'd see if someone you know has a sewing machine. Then I'd make two slings--one for you (just use a slightly longer piece of fabric), and one for the scrawny twins.
Posted by: Moxie | January 10, 2006 at 06:20 PM
Being on a budget with two of most things (not everything, but that's for another day), we opted for the Snugli. It's a less expensive version of the Bjorn, but has three different carry positions. The kids LOVE them, although our big boy is beginning to grow out of his at only 6 months old, which is a drawback. Also, it works well with my frame (short and stubby) and hubby's build (tall, athletic, broad) as well.
If only I could've found something to carry BOTH my kids at once that I could trust. I saw a couple of those carriers but COME ON!
Posted by: Sherry | January 10, 2006 at 06:21 PM
Yay, thank you so much for answering! My darling, darling child screams her tiny head off in the pram until I have a near nervous breakdown. The bjorn is starting to paralyse my neck so it's time for something new. And despite what my family say I will NOT leave her in the pram to scream and cry. Oh my Mother will think I've gone completely off the rails when she sees me wearing le baby in a beautiful fabric sling! I can't wait!
Posted by: Katy | January 11, 2006 at 07:19 AM
Thanks SO much for the awesome link to the sling pattern. I think even I, with my very, very, very rusty 7th grade home ec sewing skills, can do that. I love slings but the padded one I've got is not comfortable (and at this point I only use them when watching other people's kids - can't imagine the torture with my own kid all the time).
What do you think of pouch (non-adjustable) slings? My friend swears by her Kangaroo Korner, but I'm not convinced (esp. because this kid will be a late spring/summer babe and fleece in DC in the summer? Ha. Ha. Ha. But they also make cotton ones.)
Posted by: Jen (yup, another one) | January 11, 2006 at 07:30 AM
I've never tried the KK, but people I know rave about it, and I have never heard anyone complain. The fleece doesn't make any sense to me for the summer, so I'd probably go for cotton, too. Of course in DC you'd probably want a dehumidifying sling. If only they made them.
Posted by: Moxie | January 11, 2006 at 07:44 AM
I used a Korean variation of the Mei Tai -- the Podegai. It is great and works for a bigger baby back carry too, and comes in cool, asian-inspired fabrics. The back-carry does take a little practice to use, though.
Posted by: Carla*Hinkle | January 11, 2006 at 10:13 AM
A friend of ours had a hotsling for her one-year-old (our daughter was 2 1/2 at the time) and she loved it, swore by it. She even tried out our daughter in it, who was about twice the size of her son, and it worked great for both of them. I am totally getting a hotsling for my next kid! I have a Bjorn which I like for a brand-new kiddie, but agree isn't as versatile as it should be. I also got a Dr. Sears one and it SUCKS. Is that the NoJo one? My kid HATED it. Even at 6 weeks old she was clear that she would have none of it.
Posted by: Elise | January 11, 2006 at 09:35 PM
I actually like the older design Ergo a bit better than the newer one- as a small scrawny person it fits better. And you can get it for $55 at ergobabycarrier.com. My DH prefers the newer design, though.
I am so in love with the Ergo- we use it every single day. Lately we've been doing a back carry, and it's a great workout strolling the mall or going on walks.
Posted by: lisa | January 11, 2006 at 10:56 PM
In the suburbs, I never had need for a sling or a carrier. If I am going to walk somewhere, chances are it's more than a couple of blocks, so the stroller was better. We used the stroller all the time to hold our son while we did yard work, watered the garden, tended the flowers, etc. I liked that it had a sun shade and I could park him under a tree while we were in the sun.
When we went farther from home, I needed to take the car (and the car seat), so a stroller worked better there or we put our son in the cart at the store.
We just never seemed to need a carrier. It was summer and hot out, so I don't think it would have been fun for anyone.
Posted by: Carrie | January 12, 2006 at 11:17 AM
Carrie, it's funny that you say that, because I have a friend in the suburbs who has only used a stroller once or twice. Her girls were both little tiny things, so she either carried them in a sling or later in a backpack or they were in the carseat or shopping cart. Isn't it funny how different people develop different patterns?
Posted by: Moxie | January 12, 2006 at 06:14 PM
I have a MeiTai carrier. It is beautiful, and it works really well. I use it often.
Posted by: Krista | January 20, 2006 at 10:38 AM
You are a sweetie for linking to my pattern -- I hope a lot of people sew their own slings with it :)
I recently bought a bunch of carriers, nevermind that my daughter is rapidly approaching the point where she won't be interested in being worn (she's almost 2.5). I got a Hotsling, which is great -- the leg padding is quite nice and unobtrusive; a Kozy, which is a mei tai, and extremely comfy for long walks (I'm sort of wrap-impaired); and a brand-spanking-new Maya Tie (basically a Frankenkozy, done with Corinna's help and permission), which is also quite comfortable for long outings. I was lucky enough to be able to splurge on those (sling-sewing income, yay!) but there are pattern links to those or similar projects from my site.
Posted by: Jan Andrea | February 22, 2006 at 08:37 PM
Another Ergo-type carrier is the Becco Butterfly. It's fairly new on the market, comes in a variety of hip patterns, has a sleeker profile than the Ergo, and thanks to a built-in "saddle" you can use it from birth without buying an additional insert.
The thing I didn't like about the Becco (I trialed it for a babywearing panel I was on - I'm an Ergo girl myself) is that it's not as easy to get the baby in and out of it. HOWEVER, because the baby is actually strapped into the carrier, you can switch between users. BUT...it seems like it would be harder to nurse in the Becco (not that it's real easy to nurse discreetly in an Ergo).
My husband thought the Becco distributed our toddler's weight more evenly; I couldn't really tell a difference.
There are a lot of pros and cons, but the Becco is worth mentioning. It has some strong advantages over the Ergo, but (like all carriers) those advantages can also be hangups as well.
hth. :)
Posted by: laura Camacho | November 16, 2008 at 11:40 PM
I loved my Mobywrap--I'm a bigger gal and my son is very tiny, so the sling never felt all that comfortable for us. Sam had awful reflux and wouldn't tolerate being held in the cradle position, but the Moby made it easy for me to wrap him upright against me even when he was under 8 pounds. For months he would take his best and longest naps in the Moby, and I don't know how I could have taken plane trips without it--we'd just pace up and down the plane with him wrapped up until he fell asleep. Now that he's a year old I tend to use the Ergo and put him on my back.
Posted by: wealhtheow | November 18, 2008 at 09:04 AM
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Posted by: Google | June 30, 2009 at 04:03 PM
We got a bjorn free as a hand me down, and I nurse in it daily. Not sure why you're saying one can't; I just pop a boob in his mouth and we're good!
That being said, my shoulders do ache a bit, and I'm going to try to find a used Ergo soon.
Thanks for an awesome website (yours).
Posted by: Jane Scruggs | September 18, 2009 at 07:02 PM
Beco baby carriers and baby slings are really helpful in carrying your baby around when they are young....I love them !
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